[WingR2000 FEB 2019 content | 19年2月号]
Part A https://www.hiccears.com/gallery.php?gid=6691
Part B https://www.hiccears.com/gallery.php?gid=6692
[WingR2000 Seasonal pack Jul - Sep 2018 | 18年7-9月号]
Part A https://www.hiccears.com/gallery.php?gid=6693
Part B https://www.hiccears.com/gallery.php?gid=6694
Part C https://www.hiccears.com/gallery.php?gid=6695
I continue the Girl Meat Assiocation theme for the Seasonal pack. I spent more time for making this pack more attractive.
That extra set image would be packed March 2019 content too…
A simply tour of that Assiocation. Seeing the Girl Meat Live Show :P
These extra content make whole pack late. I just finish that around 10am.
After I publish this. I should take a long sleep…
Feb, I try to make Valentine’s Event set image. Although PV is quite bad. But it’s fun. I think the Exculsive content (FE pictures) are the main dishes. Celica is so sexy :P
Taimanin has much variants. I won’t publish all at my Pixiv.
本季依然繼續沿用MIKAWA / 女畜肉品產業協会主題,我為了這個而作了幾張主題圖。這些圖都會放入3月刊中,另外這會是會員限定內容。
主題大約就是參觀協会,看真人表現 :P
Difference between Free and Subscription
☠ = R-18G
☺ = Safe for all 一般向け
★ = Exclusive (Varaiants) content
$ = Free Post
☠ Execution of Guardians Leader Prairie - Megaman ZX
☠ Murasaki Yatsu - Taimanin
☠ Skarlet Fatality - Mortal Kombat (Mod)
☠ MIKAWA - tailor-made “chocolate gift of true love”
☠ EVE in trouble part B (Pixiv ver. extra 3 pic)
☺ Ciel - Megaman Zero
Repulse (Azur Lane)
☠ Celica, Caeda n Corrin chocolate gift" - FE
(Part of MIKAWA - tailor-made “chocolate gift of true love”)
If you use this model, don’t forget to credit SciresM (for extraction), DemonslayerX8 (for raw fixes), KuroKairaku (for the release) and Hakirya (for XPS fixes) with myself instead of just me, that would be considered stealing.
★★ Twitter - twitter/wingr2000 ★★
★★ If you enjoy my work, supporting me on Patreon :) ★★
https://www.patreon.com/wingr2000?ty=h (R-18 / NSFW)
https://www.hiccears.com/artist-profile.php?apid=24979 (For China Users)