[WingR2000 MAR 2019 content | 19年3月号]
Game of Thrones 2 set images are done.
As process time is too long. The actually start date is June 2016. Now it has 27 pictures (4set) done.
There are 2 sets remained.
03 - Sansa part
04 - Both head and wasted body on the ground
04 part... I made a similar picture for this set special content / wallpaper
If you still have interest for this set. Please leave me a comment.
Another hi-light is White Day set which is published free already.
As I spent much time on pervious seasonal pack. Those extra content "Welcome to GMA" would be included inside this pack too.
Koikatu set image is source image of "Welcome to GMA". During create the source png. The by-products become this set "Bride Butcher".
Weapon PNG : I collected the (full body) weapon I drew. If you get this content and use it to your own work. Please credit me if you publish that.
03 - 珊莎·史塔克
04 - 姐妹獻頭
戀活的圖主要是用來作成「歡迎來到女肉会」用的素材,這套「Bride Butcher」是作成素材中生產的副產品。
Weapon PNG : 我收集回已作畫好的(全件)武器,如果你買了本月刊。使用它在你的作品並發佈網上,請加上原作的註明。
☠ = R-18G
☺ = Safe for all 一般向け
★ = Exclusive (Varaiants) content
$ = Free Post
☠ Sansa and Arya execution 02 - Sansa part
☠ Sansa and Arya execution 03 - Arya part
☠ Welcome to GMA (Girl Meat Association)
☠ RO - White Day return gift 2019
Yugiri - ZombieLand Saga
☺ Weapon PNG
☠ OC tan skin Gal
☠ Return of Yuna
☠ Bride Butcher
★★ Twitter - https://twitter.com/wingr2000 ★★
★★ If you enjoy my work, supporting me on Patreon :) ★★
https://www.patreon.com/wingr2000?ty=h (R-18 / NSFW)
https://www.hiccears.com/artist-profile.php?apid=24979 (For China Users)